New Image International:Immunity for your Family

Immunity for your Family


See Ya sniffles! Kiss sickness goodbye with our immune boosting secret!

When one family member gets sick, do the rest of the family drop like flies? Maybe it’s because you didn’t wash your hands enough, or maybe it was that time you went to the bowling alley, riddled with germs. The bottom line is, we all get sick (kids especially) but there are ways to feed your family’s immunity so that everyone is in the best possible position to tackle whatever germ comes their way.

Building your family’s immunity is vital for warding off the winter’s ills, chills and other various illness’. Building your immunity can help you stay fit and healthy.

Immunity is your body’s way of fighting ills, chills, disease or infection before you feel the symptoms.

When you have strong immunity, you are oblivious that there are germs floating around in your body. This is because they are destroyed by your immune system. When we don’t have a strong immune system or don’t have immunity to certain bugs, then we will become sick.

We are all continuously exposed to pathogens (these are tiny organism such as bacteria, virus or other microorganism that make you sick), this doesn’t mean that we will always get sick. That is because when we have a strong immune system, we are equipped with a powerful natural defence system that helps fight against various illness. On the other hand, if we have a weakened immune system, we will be more vulnerable to colds, flu and other illnesses.

Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to germproof your family. Germs are everywhere. But being exposed to germs is a part of life. Being exposed to different germs, viruses and bacteria can even help strengthen your immune system.

If you think you and your family are getting sick too often, then we have the answer that will help support your immunity and make it as strong as possible. Prevention is key after all.

  • Alpha Lipid™ Lifeline™
  • Alpha Lipid™ Lifeline™ is a perfect breakfast drink, combining colostrum and probiotics for powerful immune and digestive support to help you feel balanced, healthy and strong. With over 1 billion probiotics, why not add this to your favourite morning smoothie

  • Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum Capsules
  • Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum Capsules have all the benefits of Colostrum in the convince of a capsule so are perfect for the busy ones of the family, who are always on the go. They are easy to swallow, at any time. You can even open the capsules and sprinkle over your favourite breakfast for the littlies of the family. Colostrum’s antibodies work with your body’s own cells to enhance immunity.

  • Alpha Lipid™ Lifeline™
  • Alpha Lipid™ Colostrum Tablets are tasty chewable tablets that are suitable for children over 2 years old. They are a delicious vanilla flavour that assist the body’s natural repair process.

  • Alpha Lipid™ Lifeline™
  • When your immune system needs an extra boost try the yummy chewable Alpha Lipid™ Immufort Ultraboost Colostrum. This has 1100mg of concentrated double strength 40% IgG Colostrum containing 440mg of Immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins are your body’s natural warriors that attack viruses and bacteria that you and your family are exposed to every day.

Safely indulge with our easy peasy booster parfait recipe
